Take place in our survey

What message would you like to give to Brazilian farmers?

Answer the survey

Research goals

Brazil is a major producer and exporter of food to the world. Our goal with this survey is to give you a chance to get closer to Brazilian farmers and tell them what you expect from them.

Human, animal and ecological health are closely linked. Agroecology, in its systemic approach, demonstrates that well-practiced agriculture, undoubtedly promotes health, but when poorly practiced, it causes risks to it.

The homogenization of agroecosystems threatens food security, affecting people's nutritional and health status. Agroecology enriches the ecological matrix, and food produced in this system involves environmental, economic and social responsibility.


  • 01/08 - 15/09


  • 15/09 - 30/09

    Fase de análise e interpretação das respostas

  • 01/10 -

    Resultado da pesquisa com propostas/sugestões de melhorias de acordo com os feedbacks

Para participar é bem fácil

Responda a pesquisa e participe desse movimento transformador.

Quero responder


Vejam o que as pessoas estão dizendo sobre a iniciativa.

Arcu consequat, at pellentesque lacus, augue. Aenean aenean hac aliquam pharetra sagittis mauris aliquam. Cursus amet, dignissim elementum pulvinar non mattis sed eu. Ut amet aenean amet aliquet sit diam, velit venenatis, scelerisque.

Marina Oliveira Engenheira Agrônoma

Arcu consequat, at pellentesque lacus, augue. Aenean aenean hac aliquam pharetra sagittis mauris aliquam. Cursus amet, dignissim elementum pulvinar non mattis sed eu. Ut amet aenean amet aliquet sit diam, velit venenatis, scelerisque.

Marina Oliveira Engenheira Agrônoma

Our partners

We have partners committed to developing cleaner food production systems with us for the health of people and the environment.

I want to be an IBA partner


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